Womens shirts


Women’s Shirts

This is where we keep our range of women’s shirts and t-shirts. Whether you are looking for workwear, casual blouses, t-shirts or something in which to dress down, we will have something for you. Women’s tops are amongst the move diverse and attractive garments in our collection. That is why we are committed to bringing you the best quality options available. Whether you are looking for something plain and flexible, attractive for a date or formal so you look the part at work, Gear

Eshop is full of choice. There is nothing better than selecting the right garment that is the right size. When you buy from us, you know you will get real sizes in clothes that will last. That’s why it’s important to make the right choice. We have supplied clothing for nearly five decades for modern men and women who want fashionable items and the best classic designs.

Details of our Women’s Shirts

Women’s shirts from Gear are designed with superiority in mind for all its qualities.

  • The best cotton: There is nothing equally better than knowing your carefully selected women’s shirt is made from the best quality cotton. At Gear clothing, we use only the best breathable cotton. In the warmer weather, it will wick away the moisture, keeping you fresh and cool. In the winter, it is a vital layer in keeping you warm
  • Variety: Nobody is “one size fits all” and that is why we have given you some truly amazing designs in the Gear Eshop. Some are flexible for any occasion, some are suitable for work and others for casual settings
  • Comfort and softness: You crave that soft cotton fabric and how it feels against your skin. You don’t want it to feel rough, but soft. You want to feel gentle but quality. You want it to feel delicate but durable
  • Quality cut: You can simply feel and see the quality of the women’s shirts in the Gear clothing range. We have been trading for 50 years because our customers know what we are capable of producing. We have always stuck to our principles

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